Range Safety Rules
Failure to comply with these rules shall result in disciplinary action.
General. Live firing conducted at the Enfield Outing Club (EOC) range is designed to provide authorized personnel access to a facility where they can become proficient with privately owned firearms and archery equipment.
Facilities for Use. Live-fire shooting shall be limited to the following ranges and equipment:
Outdoor Range- Rifles .50 caliber or smaller centerfire; pistols, shotguns, and muzzleloaders of any caliber or gauge. No tracer ammunition shall be used.​
Restrictions may be added or removed by a Range Security Officer (RSO) on a per event basis.
The need for an RSO during a club sanctioned/organized event shall be determined on a per event basis.
Range Limitations and Safety Requirements. Live-fire shooters shall:​
Follow instructions of all Range Safety Officer’s. An RSO may add or remove requirements as the situation warrants.​
Fire only after completing the liability release. (See Sections 5.3 and 5.4)
Pay $5/day range fee, if a guest and over 18 years of age.
Ensure the display of hot range flag during live fire, ensure range gate is closed during firing and open when range is not in use.
Vehicle entry gates are to remain unlocked and open when the range is in use.
Use appropriate eye and ear protection.
Follow the EOC Range Safety Rules:​
Always keep the muzzle in a safe direction, defined as downrange or pointed down at the ground;​
Keep one’s finger off the trigger until the sights are on the target;
Be sure of your target and what is beyond it;
Share ownership of the “cease fire” command when conditions become unsafe; and
When “cease fire” is called, stop firing immediately, removes one’s finger from the trigger, lower the firearm. Cooperate in clearing the line. Handguns may be holstered and safed rifles may be slung over the shoulder as long as they are not otherwise handled.
Fire at appropriate targets only. No aerial targets.
Ensure all projectiles impact within the established range safety limits. All fired rounds shall impact the berm, no higher than 6 feet above ground level.
Notify an RSO or Chief Range Officer (CRO) of any significant safety infractions.
Police all brass, paper and other debris that accumulate on the range. Unwanted fired brass shall be deposited in the brass bucket (or dud bucket for misfires.) Other trash shall be disposed of in the containers provided, or preferably taken with you. Especially live rounds. Whenever possible, please leave range nicer than when you found it.
Authorized Personnel. The following persons are allowed on the property:
EOC members in good standing.
A maximum of 4 invited guests of the above, provided the member is present and assumes full responsibility of his or her guests.
Personnel approved by the club Officers or CRO on a case-by-case basis.
Personnel Responsibilities.
The Chief Range Officer shall:
Review qualifications of anyone desiring to become an EOC RSO.
Ensure each RSO understands and can execute live-fire procedures in accordance with this document
Ensure each RSO has a valid club membership card identifying them as an RSO
Verify each RSO is identified as such on the member list.
Perform all EOC RSO and EOC Member responsibilities.
All Range Safety Officers shall:
Attend an RSO class scheduled by the CRO. Information on dates and times for these classes can be obtained by attending a regular meeting.
Understand and execute live-fire procedures in accordance with this document.
Have a valid club membership card identifying them as an RSO
Perform all EOC Member responsibilities
All EOC Members shall:
Follow all instructions from an RSO.
Understand and abide by all rules set forth in this document.
Complete the liability release when joining and yearly at renewal.
Conduct themselves in an orderly manner at all times and be responsible for the conduct of their guests.
Ensure guest have completed the liability release and signed into the log.
Be responsible for their shooting equipment while on the premises.
Present their membership card upon request by any member.
Call “cease fire” if an unsafe condition exists.
All guests shall:
Follow all instructions from an RSO.
Understand and abide by all rules set forth in this document.
Complete the liability release once per trip or organized event and sign into the log. A parent or guardian must sign in addition to a minor.
Call “cease fire” if an unsafe condition exists.
Hours of Operation and Scheduling. The firearm range is closed all day on Monday and until noon on Tuesday. Range hours are Tuesday from 12:00 noon until dusk, and Wednesday through Sunday are from 09:00 to dusk (30 minutes after sunset in zip code 03748.) Requests for special use must be brought up at the monthly meeting and voted on by the members. The official EOC calendar is kept on the website (http://www.eocnh.com.)
Alcoholic Beverages and Drugs. Alcoholic beverages and drugs are not permitted in the clubhouse or on the range grounds. Shooters shall not consume alcoholic beverages or drugs that cause impairment (including prescription and over-the-counter medications) before or during live firing. The CRO or RSO may deny access to anyone in violation and can pursue further disciplinary action of the member.
EMERGENCIES. In the event of an emergency:
Remain calm.
Call 911and tell the dispatcher there has been an accident
Direct the dispatcher to send an ambulance to: The Enfield Outing Club is located at 378 Shaker Hill Road in Enfield, NH.
If able, delegate and send someone to the gate near the road to direct EMS to the emergency site.
If able, perform first aid.
As soon as reasonably possible, notify the club President and CRO.